About us
- We are a bunch of hobbyists containing of aviation enthusiasts, ham radio operators, ...
- We are interested in everything moving no matter if it is planes, ships, trains or satellites
- We build our own aircraft, ship and radiosonde tracking network
About our network
- We are noncommercial
- We develop our own application and continue to modify it to our liking
- We are very focused on the feeder stations and we do have a lot of features geared towards them
Getting started
- Check out our wiki to learn more about building an ADS-B, AIS and radiosonde receiver station
- If you already have a station you can start feeding today
Altitude colors
The flying altitude of an Aircraft is indicated by its color. Ships are normally blue or grey if moored.
Color | m | ft |
| 0 | 0 |
| 1+ | 1+ |
| 305+ | 1.000+ |
| 610+ | 2.000+ |
| 915+ | 3.000+ |
| 1373+ | 4.500+ |
| 1.830+ | 6.000+ |
| 2.288+ | 7.500+ |
| 2.745+ | 9.000+ |
| 3.202+ | 10.500+ |
| 3.360+ | 12.000+ |
| 4.117+ | 13.500+ |
| 15.000+ | 49.240+ |
| 25.000+ | 82.067+ |
| 30.000+ | 98.481+ |
| 50.000+ | 164.135+ |
Type colors
Special vehicles like rescue ships or aircrafts or military vehicles are color coded. Other special vehicles like pilot boats are marked as interesting.
These colors are used on the vehicles on the map as well as in the lists in the sidebar. The altitude of this vehicle is not indicated in the vehicles color but in the color of the vehicles track.
Color | Type |
| Rescue and Police |
| Military |
| Interesting |
| This position is transmitted by the vehicle |
| This position is calculated via MLAT as the aircraft does not transmit its position |
| This vehicle has no position |
Multilateration (MLAT)
If an aircraft does not transmit its position via ADS-B but does send its ICAO code there is the option to calculate the aircrafts position via MLAT. To be able to do this there are at least 3 receiver stations needed which are MLAT enabled, do receive the planes messages at a decent signal level and are in sync with each other. The more stations are involved in the calculation the more accurate it gets.
If you do have a station make sure to enable MLAT.
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Show list of active aircrafts
Show list of active ships
Show list of active radiosondes
Show list of receiver stations
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Center map on your position (uses your browsers geolocation api)
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There are so much more buttons and functions, just try them. If you misconfigured something and do not now the way back you can always reload the webpage to reset all settings.
Version 4 (19.12.2024)
Over the last 8 years we became more than an ADS-B site by adding AIS in 2021 and radiosondes in 2023. This is why
adsb.chaos-consulting.de is now
- New: Now showing how long ago each station received the last packet from the selected aircraft
- Improvement: More than 200 new pictures of aircrafts
- Improvement: Livetrack now with on hover infos like history track (timestamp, altitude, vertrate )
- Improvement: Now showing true heading of planes on ground
- New: Differentiating between stations without MLAT capability (red) and those that do support mlat but are not used for position calculation of this aircraft at the moment (grey)
- Improvement: Fixed MLAT mesh links
- New: Now showing how long ago each station received the last packet from the selected ship
- Improvement: Better handling of invalid positions transmitted by atons
- New: Radiosonde uptime and killtimer for some types
- New: Radiosonde battery voltage gauge now scaled accordingly to different sonde types
- New: Introducing radiosondes minumum, average and maximum hoizontal and vertical speed
- New: Now showing how long ago each station received the last packet from the selected radiosonde
- New: Realtime Inflight predicition of flightpath and landingpoint for flying radiosondes based on flight, weather and elevation data
- New: Preflight prediction of flightpath and landingpoint for scheduled launches based on weather and statistical data
- New: GeoJSON archive of all revious flights (can be recalled and visualized on map)
- New: Launchsites are now shown on the map
- New: List of launchsites in the sidebar (Including number of active sondes and time until the next scheduled launch)
- New: Launchsite infocard in the Sidebar (Including info on operator, frequencies, active sondes, recent launches and predictions)
- Improvement: Correct colors according to type in radiosonde list
- Improvement: Correct matching of Radiosondes to Launchsite
- New: Minimum, average and maximum range and SNR for radiosondes
- New: Hiding empty tables (top10 and MLAT sync peers)
- New: Graphing for minimum, average and maximum range and signal strenght for ADS-B, AIS and Radiosondes
- New: Now showing distance of MLAT sync peers
- New: Color coded sync peers according to sync quality/usability
- Improvement: Fixed inconsistent fields in station list
- Improvement: Chart rendering
- Improvement: Fixed rendering of system performance gauges for offline stations
- Improvement: Fixed broken "Nav Modes" filter
- Improvement: Altitude filter is a slider now with lower and upper limit and increased range to accomodate radiosondes
- New: Packages for Ubuntu 24.04 Noble Numbat
- New: sdrmapfeeder package replaces adsbfeederc2is and radiosondefeederc2is
- Improvement: Updated MLAT package mlat-client-sdrmap
- Improvement: Updated AIS-catcher package version 0.60
- Improvement: Updatedt the wiki to support the newer packages and os versions and included some feedback from our community
- New: Starting point of the map can now be bookmarked or shared via url parameters
- New: Extended colorscheme for very high vehicles up to 35.000m (Radiosondes)
- New: Overall statistics for ADS-B, MLAT, AIS, Radiosondes and Stations
- Improvement: Better handling of "last seen timestamp" resulting in a more accurate value which will keep working even if the vehicle disappears from the map (affecting ADS-B, AIS and Radiosondes)
- Improvement: Fixed multiple units and NaN problems
Version 3.1 (31.01.2024)
- Improvement: Receiving stations of an airplane now showing colored numbers for fix, malt and nofix
- Improvement: Mlat coordinates highlighted in plane Info
- Improvement: Ships orientation now using heading if available instead of course over ground
- New: Rising radiosondes with ballon icon, falling sondes with parachute
- New: Selected radiosonde now drawing a colorful track according to altitude similar to planes
- New: Launchsite and distance from launchsite
- New: First seen with frame number, date/time, station and altitude
- New: Burstinfo with frame number, date/time, altitude and burst location on map
- New: Military sondes are green and can be filtered
- New: Share link to radiosonde
- Improvement: Track of a selected radiosonde is now updated in realtime
- Improvement: Last seen timer negative numbers fixed (GPS - UTC time offset fixed)
- New: Status per service like ADS-B, AIS, ... with last seen resulting in correct status for stations feeding AIS and/or radiosondes but no ADS-B
- New: Additional yellow status for stations with some services online and some offline
- New: Offline stations vanish from list after 2 weeks
- New: Graphs now feature a 1 hour option
- Improvement: fixed handling of insufficient power supply for stations switching from Raspberry Pi to other type of PC
- New: Filtering now working for radiosondes
- New: Support for Debian 12 / Raspberry Pi OS 12 / Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
- New: Support for 64bit Raspberry Pi OS
- New: Packages for radiosonde reception (radiosondeautorx)
- New: Service overview
- New: Antennas for AIS and radiosondes
- New: Signal Splitter guide
- New: Radio sonde installation guide
- Improvement: Completely reworked hardware selection guide
- Improvement: Completely reworked powering section
- Improvement: Updated installation instructions
- New: Reimplemented rendering engine in canvas resulting in much better performance and compatibility with a wide range of browsers and devices
- Improvement: Multiple optimizations in the frontend and backend resulting in a better performance and a more stability
- Improvement: Muliple UI fixes
- Removed: Removed layer of german airports
- Update: Updated leaflet version
Version 3.0 (22.06.2023)
- New: NAV-Modes and other FMS data
- Improvement: General overhaul
- New: Ship pictures
- New: ATONs are recognized and shown on map
- New: SAR helicopters are recognized and shown on map
- Improvement: General overhaul
- Completely new type of vehicles on the map
- Feeding script available in the repo
- New: System information and performance values
- New: Graphs showing station performance
- New: Coverage rings on heatmap
- Improvement: General overhaul
- New: NAV-Modes
- New: Speed
- New: Radiosondes
- New: Feeding scripts for Radiosonde & ADS-B packaged
- Update: AIS-catcher v0.48
- Update: dump1090-fa v8.2
- New: Warning, when connection is lost
- New: Selected vehicle is highlighted
- Improvement: Major overhaul of incoming AIS data processing
- Improvement: General UI overhaul
- Improvement: Rendering on multiple mobile devices
- Improvement: About section overhaul
- Improvement: Wiki instructions
Version 2.4
Plane/Ship info card
- major overhaul and adjustments
- AIS is now multistation capable
Station info card
- Action buttons
- more statistics
- Tanker oval layer
- Geolocation
- Zoom buttons
- Darkmode
- Auto dark mode (browser setting)
- AIS Buoys Support
Station List
- AIS-only stations appear in list
- Design overhaul
- AIS-only stations can be selected
- Reset button
- Fix heatmap
- Sidebar isn't cut anymore at the bottom
- Mobile mode fixes
- Repository
- dump1090-fa
- mlat-client
- ais-catcher
- New ais-catcher releases
- no gpsd needed
- integrated feeding for Chaos Consulting
Source code
As this website is open source you can have a look at the source code. You will find it right here:
If you experience a bug let us now. If you have an idea for improvement just talk to us, we will look at it but can not make any promises as development takes place in our spare time.
All the marker icons used on the map are listed here with their license and origin.